Benefits of Dry Brushing
Dry brushing is a popular and ancient method of exfoliation and detoxification performed in spas around the world. Dry brushing is also exactly what it sounds like: you use a dry brush on the skin all over your body, moving in smaller, quick strokes to stimulate the skin.
Dry brushing has some great benefits for the skin, body, and even the mind…
Skin Exfoliation
Dry brushing the skin can help you get rid of dry and dead skin cells, so you can exfoliate the skin to unclog pores and improve its overall appearance. You’ll likely notice smoother, softer skin within the first few days of starting.
Cellulite Reduction
Since it may help remove toxins from the skin that can break down connective tissue and provide more even distribution of fat deposits, dry brushing might be helpful for reducing cellulite. Most evidence pointing to this is anecdotal so far, but many people have reported reduced appearance of cellulite after dry brushing regularly.
Elimination of Waste and Toxins
By stimulating your body’s lymphatic system, which is a big part of the immune system responsible for getting rid of waste products in the cells, you can help your body release toxins, reduce inflammation and disease, and keep lymphatic processes working more efficiently. You can help stimulate the normal flow of lymph fluid in the body to be sure it detoxifies naturally.
Improved Digestion
Another benefit of massaging the lymphatic system through dry brushing may be improved digestion, which can reduce bloating and help the body better remove toxins and excess water weight.
Stress Relief
The repetitive process of dry brushing can be soothing and even act as a form of meditation, for some people. Not only that, but dry brushing helps you get more in tune with your body and your skin, focusing your attention on a single act that gives your mind a brief rest as you pamper yourself.
Tips to get you started:
- Look for a brush that is high-quality and contains bristles that are made of natural materials. Make sure the handle of the brush is long enough so you can reach your whole back and any other spots that are harder to reach.
- Try dry brushing at least once day, but not too close to bedtime (since the process can be energizing).
- Start brushing on your feet and work towards your heart. This is best for healthy circulation and stimulation of the lymphatic system (which we’ll talk more about below).
If you’re looking for an easy, natural way to improve the appearance of your skin and supplement your overall wellbeing, dry brushing is a great practice to add into your life. Give it a try for yourself and see what benefits you notice.